Clayton Ruby responds to the Ontario Court of Appeal's decision in Cochrane v. Ontario (Attorney General) regarding the ban on pit bulls
TORONTO, Oct. 24 /CNW/ - The Court of Appeal released its decision today
on the Constitutional challenge to the amendments to the Dog Owners Liability
Act. The Court of Appeal dismissed Ms Cochrane's appeal and allowed the
Attorney General's cross appeal. As a result, all of the amendments to the Dog
Owners Liability Act are in force in Ontario, even those struck down by
Justice Herman as unconstitutional.
"Sadly, the absolute and unnecessary ban on 'Pit bulls' in Ontario
We are very disappointed with the decision of the Court of Appeal. We
continue to believe that the definition of 'pit bull' is overly broad and
vague. The evidence clearly demonstrates that the definition captures dogs
that pose no threat to any person or animal.
Justice Herman and now the Court of Appeal have simply accepted the
government's assertion that there is a 'reasoned apprehension of harm' about
'pit bulls' to justify the ban, without allowing us to show that there is no
credible evidence to support this.
It is a sad day in Ontario. Kind, loving, gentle dogs are being killed
across this Province for no reason. The Provincial Government should focus
their efforts and resources on identifying truly dangerous dogs rather than
apprehending and killing dogs that pose no threat at all.
We are considering an appeal of this decision to the Supreme Court of
for further information: Jean-anne Moors or Breese Davies at (416)
thank u........................................